The subject matter was the first letter of Peter and paraphrasing about how Christians are aliens in a foreign land, or using the oft used expression "in the World, but, not of the world". We also say the Nicene Creed which says we are part of the "one Holy Catholic Church". So, what does that mean? It means as Christians we follow Christ as our Leader, our number one priority. It means that as Christians we are part of the world wide Kingdom. It means that this Kingdom takes precedent over the earthly nations. It means that every member of this Christ Kingdom should be in every aspect be fighting for the needy, fight for the oppressed, fight for the sick and fight for peace etc....
So, where are we in the world and especially the Western World? Our Countries take priority. I'm an American, I'm British and that is my pride. Our politics reflect this view pouring billions into military, greedily expanding global influence, power and monatary worth. I propose that this is idolatory placing the national flag above that of Christ's Kingdom. It should be the other way. This is one thing Marx understood in The International. No national boundaries with "workers of the world unite". He although denying God, which was his fatal flaw, did understand how a global, boundary less world really is beneficial for all.
Imagine a world were the billions and billions of dollars spent on making war were instead spent on all the people of the world so all could eat, receive medical care, live together in peace and above all live under love and not hate.
Crazy rantings? Utopia? Perhaps...but, it is the Progressive teaching of Christ and His Apostles.