Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why I'm voting for President Obama - Pro-Life Part I

Wow, what divisive topic here in the US, especially during the election over here.  Out of all the topics it is the one that creates the most absolute hate.  I can't even count the number of times I have been attacked for saying I am supporting The President AND being a Christian.  So, I guess the question is why?

However, first some background to my personal views.  Back when I was in College I was very active in campaigning against abortion.  In fact at one Student Union meeting I was almost kicked out because how dare I as a man speak on this subject even though it was perfectly acceptable for man who was pro-abortion to speak up.   Over the years my views have been slightly moderated.  This is not flip flopping, or giving a politically expedient answer like Romney does.  I am still pro-life and absolutely am against abortion being used as a form of contraception.  A foetus is a life.  However, where I've moderated my opinion slightly is that life is not black and white.  There are huge grey areas.  Having known woman who have been raped and what that can do, or trying to imagine if a member of my family was put in that position, or if the life of my wife was a stake I think my final actions or opinions may change in that situation.   Therefore,  I think in the fallen world we live in there are situations where it  should definitely be allowed.   So, why vote for The President?   There are three reasons:

1:  There is no compassion, or, understanding coming from the right wing.  Just a lot of vitriol and hate.  So much is contrary to the teaching of Christ about forgiveness, love and compassion.  A pharasitical hypocrisy that Jesus hated.

2:  Political reasons.  The Constitution clearly States separation of Church and State and religious tolerance.  Also, the right don't want to the Government to interfere in their lives - unless it's something they agree with or want.  Again hypocrisy. 

3:  Last the main reason.   The Republicans have not offered any solutions apart from making it illegal.  A way to reduce these innocent deaths is allowing the State to help.  Support the future mothers so they know they can afford to support the child, give them healthcare, financial aid, education etc..etc..  For those that don't want to keep the child make adoption in this Country easier and more affordable and give the birth mother the necessary emotional support.  Oh, I forgot.  This sounds like Socialism so we can't do that.  Look at the facts.  Other Western, developed Countries all have a lower abortion rate than the US, even Holland with the most Liberal abortion laws have a much lower abortion rate.  Why? They simply give a positive way out.  A way of life and not death.  If you want to label it as an "ism" you disagree with I say Hypocrite!  You condemn the death and yet are part of the problem.  

This the reason I am voting the way I am. The President gives a way to reduce the problem saving lives not just a empty ideology condemning more to death.

" but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal".   1 Cor 13:1

- Richard

Friday, October 26, 2012

Just ignore it?

Something I struggle with, and I posted earlier about this, is what is the role of Religion in politics and how you vote.   I think it has to be involved to a certain degree.   For example voting for an extremist in any religion would be a bad idea as that really would compromise the Constitution and freedoms.

So, why I am I posting about this again now?   Something was said to me this week that made me really think.   As a Christian it is no brainer not to vote for President Obama slightly paraphrasing.   Looking at the issues and making a decision on policy is one thing.   Voting for either candidate because you agree with x, y, z issues and they are important to you is what it should be about.   However, saying I am Christian and therefore......  leaves a lot of questions.   I will be talking about different issues and my opinion over the next few days so not now,  Where am I going with this?

The Religion of Governor Romney.  If you are saying you are voting for, or, against a person because you a Christian, surely this has to come into it.   In recent days there has been a sanitisation of this faith because it is convenient only because Romney is against Obama, or, is a Republican against a Democrat.   Is this a great deception?   The Bible speaks of false prophets who will deceive and move the flock away.   I am no where near a good enough Bible scholar to pretend to know or understand this, but, when organisations such as Billy Grahams start changing their stance because it is convenient then I see red flags.    Here are just some examples of how the Mormon faith is completely away from the Christian Doctrine.

  • The book of Mormon is more correct than the Bible, (History of the Church, 4:461).
  • Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers and we were all born as siblings in heaven to them both, (Mormon Doctrine, p. 163)
  • God used to be a man on another planet, (Mormon Doctrine, p. 321; Joseph Smith, Times and Seasons, vol. 5, p. 613-614; Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p. 345; Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 333).
  • God resides near a star called Kolob, (Pearl of Great Price, p. 34-35; Mormon Doctrine, p. 428).
  • After you become a good Mormon, you have the potential of becoming a god, (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 345-347, 354.)
  • There are many gods, (Mormon Doctrine, p. 163)
  • "Christ Not Begotten of Holy Ghost ...Christ was begotten of God. He was not born without the aid of Man, and that Man was God!" (Doctrines of Salvation, by Joseph Fielding Smith, 1954, 1:18).
  • "One of the most fallacious doctrines originated by Satan and propounded by man is that man is saved alone by the grace of God; that belief in Jesus Christ alone is all that is needed for salvation," (Miracle of Forgiveness, Spencer W. Kimball, p. 206).
  • The trinity is three separate Gods: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. "That these three are separate individuals, physically distinct from each other, is demonstrated by the accepted records of divine dealings with man," (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 35.)
  • "...and he that confesseth not that Jesus has come in the flesh and sent Joseph Smith with the fullness of the Gospel to this generation, is not of God, but is Antichrist," (Journal of Discourses, vol. 9, p. 312).
  • "Now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives, and continue to do so, I promise that you will be damned," (Journal of Discourses, vol. 3, p. 266). Also, "The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy," (Journal of Discourses, vol. 11, p. 269).

These are just a few of many examples that can by found in the Book of Mormon (which was actually re-written in 1981), Mormon Doctrine and writings of various leaders.   My point here is not to debate or judge anyone's faith, but, that if you are saying you are not voting for the President as "a Christian" be really careful of who you are voting for if this your main criteria.

So, is this not a big deal, just for political expediency or a great Satanic deception?


Monday, October 22, 2012


With short time to the Presidential election and as seems to be the wont at the moment I will join in and give my opinion who should be President.   Just for a reference in the elections I have lived in the States I have gone for Bush, Bush and Obama.   One thing I am very serious about is that I always look at the individual merits of each candidate without worrying about Party.  

This year my vote will go back to The President.   I must be perfectly honest I have been somewhat disappointed in his first term, but, we all have to remember that President is in many ways a figurehead as policy comes from the Congress.   They promise so much, when in reality how much can they really? What I do like from the President is that to he has to the best of his ability kept true to what he believes.   He inherited an awful economic and military situation.   I know we hear a lot from his opponents to stop going on about that and that we haven't seen a full recovery.   However, I do challenge them to see what they would have done.   Some difficult decisions were made and whether you agree with them or not they took guts to make.   I am happy the health care act was implemented, but, very disappointed that it did not go far enough.   This is a fundamental problem the US faces.   It constantly affect the economic welfare of the Country due to productivity drops from folks who are sick working inefficiently and spreading disease to the added burden placed on US companies who have to pay for health care adding to their overhead in comparison to their overseas competition.   What does this lead to?   Yes, outsourcing.   Overall I think he deserves four more years to try and complete his vision.    

This year is a first for me.   In my first paragraph I said I did not vote on party.   Not this time.   The Republican Party lost me during the primaries.   I have never heard such a divisive, hateful rhetoric coming from so many people.   At times it was almost like listening to Neo-Nazis.  It was all about me, me, me and nothing about the people.   Having said that if John Huntsman had stuck in and come out I may have made a different decision, but, alas he didn't fit the Ultra-right mold so had to drop out early.   Another thing I really hated about the GOP's primary is it was all about money.   The last thing I really hate is that so many of these people portray the faith I believe in and live by.   This really makes me sick, where does Jesus teach hate?  I actually believe others would have won, but, they all had one thing in common they did not have enough money to compete with Romney and every time he started losing he spend a ridiculous amount of money on hate ads (which he now complains that the Democrats are doing)   Seeing this campaign moving forward I am even more certain of my decision.   All Romney wants is power.  His message changes to what he perceives the audience want to hear.   He has no convictions accept to get the ultimate prize no matter who or what, including his track record and truth get in the way.  Normally at this point I would go through the issues and decide who has the most things I agree with.   This year I am so sick at Romney and the GOP I do not need to that.   I think I will still do this later.  What I don't understand and no has explained to me is how anyone who calls themselves a Conservative can vote for him at the Presidential election.   He has moved so far left it's not funny.   I also don't understand how a moderate Republican can vote for him after the Primary.   It is apparent that all the Republican's care about is power and how they get there, what ever flipping and lies it takes they will do it.   One of the reasons I could not vote for John Kerry was is lack on consistency.   Mitt Romney makes Kerry look like he never changed at all.  

It actually grieves me that I am making a decision on party, rather than the individuals.   I really hope the American people and the GOP realize how bad this party has become.   Therefore, my vote in the 2012 Presidential Election is going for President Barack Obama..


Friday, September 14, 2012

More on hypocrisy....I guess I'm on a roll tonight.

I have posted before on this.   The subject of Marriage and what should and should not be legal.  The more I have thought about this and talked it through with Jenn I have a greater clarity on my thoughts.  

My bottom line is that the Government has zero place in "marriage".   A marriage is something that a Church has the right to ordain.   If the Government has to be involved, which I think for taxes, and to allow the rights of people to be fairly accounted for it probably does there should be another legal term.   Civil Union, sounds hokey, but, it is the best I can do.  

All the arguments we hear political are totally based on hypocrisy.   A marriage is between one man and one woman and that is all that should be legal, because that is how God created it.  Ok.   A Church can say that. the Government not (separation of Church and State for one.)

Now, looking into the issue deeper.   Those that espouse this "legal marriage, as I will describe it because that is how it is today claim that, as I said, the only marriage should be between a man and woman.  Ok.  But, and there is a very big but, you are going to use a legalized Scripture approach as your definition of a marriage the chances are there would be very few, if any marriages that would meet such high standards.   Why?   No sex before marriage, no lustful thoughts, no divorce (except abuse), no adultery, no sexual impurities, one sexual partner.   In the Old Testament many of these could lead to being cast out of society or even stoned to death.    If this was the criteria for marriage this would be mute point, because like I said so few, if any would qualify.   An even crazier situation is those who are Atheists or Satanists can get married and everyone is happy with that as long as they are the same sex.   Get the point?   Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

Now, some would say we are no longer doing this because we were "living in Sin" and because we got married we now aren't, or have repented.  All good.   Now, come to the New Testament and Jesus teaching.  He came to move a way from the legalistic establishment or a Jewish Country to teach on Love, forgiveness and peace, just to name three.   So, great you have repented of your sins (although going from a non-married sexual relationship to a married one seems to be a very weak justification) what about Christs love for everyone?   He loved the major sinners in His day, in fact spent his time with them not the religions elite.   Above all, what about the commandment not to judge unless you have no sin yourself?   Heck, I wish I was perfect and truly sanctified, but, alas I am not.   Also, who has the right to be God and say really what He wants?   It is simple really.   Love everyone, be peaceful, gentle, kind, patient displaying all the fruits of Christlike life.   Only God Himself has the right to judge and condemn.  This has got so lost in the modern day Church.  It makes me angry.  

I am not a theologian and may be Utopian, but, the hateful rhetoric of so many right-wing, Conservative Christians does not represent me or the teaching of Christ.  They have the right to their opinions and I try very hard every day not to judge and to love them, but, that is tough because of the misrepresentation of Jesus' life and as I have already stated make me very, very angry.   The best analogy I can come up with is what would you do if someone denigrates the person you love most in the World.  Yup, very, very angry.


Does the religion of a candidate in an election matter?   In the United States General election it seems to, at least from one side.  

I have heard, read, seen posted time and time again how this Country needs to move back to God, Satan is in charge, The President is a Muslim, we need to move back to our Christian roots, the President is a false prophet or anti-Christ and on and on and on.   Unbelievable hate and ignorance.  

  • The President claims to be a professing Christian.   That is not for I or any one else to judge.   If he was Muslim and followed the Constitution would it matter?  
  • This Country was founded on the Separation of Church and State.   Many of the founding fathers were NOT Christian, certainly nor practicing, believing Christians.  
  • Those that create the biggest noise on this are the so called right-wing evangelical Christians.  The Christ of the new Testament quite clearly time after time teaches not to judge, pay to Caesar (a secular Government) what is theirs to love and not hate and I can go on and on.   This group are the new Pharisees.
  • Finally.... these folks who are so anti- the President and make these claims have a Candidate for President who is of course an Evangelical Christian.  NO!!   He is of the Mormon faith recognized by all major religious scholars and theologians to be a cult.   If they have a problem with Islam why not Mormons who have changed the Bible to their interpretation claiming it is Christian.   Islam have their own Holy Book, but, never made those claims.   If there is to be a false prophet or a great deception by Satan perhaps it could be argued that this acceptance of the Mormon faith to be mainstream could be it?   
Let's keep it real and say it as it is.   You hate the President because he is different, has a different political ideology and perhaps you just hate.   Stop misrepresenting my faith, my God and the Bible.   Have a different opinion I'm all for that, but, ignorance and fear is hypocrisy of the highest order.

For the record as Christian I would love a true Christ centered President, but, it is not essential by any means.   My vote will always go to those who stand for tolerance, peace, fairness and the people.  Whatever religion they claim to be, that, is Christlike policies.


Saturday, September 8, 2012


They call it the land of milk and honey,
But life is fast and furious,
Children brought up priorities wrong,
Money and possessions are number one.

Your love, however is still there
That people dedicated to spreading
The right aspects of life
Teaching the kids that You are first.

Thank you Lord for Your workers.
I pray that You’ll keep them safe
As year by year they strive
To share You to this land.

August 1989, Camp Tecumseh, NJ, USA.


Friends I

That special hug
In times when you’re down.
A special word
When you’re all alone.
A special gift
When life doesn’t seem worth while.
Thank you God
For that special friend. 

August 1989, Camp Tecumseh, NJ, USA.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

I may be perhaps a bit more sensitive right now because with the heroics of Andy Murray and Bradley Wiggins and the UK in center stage with the Olympics I am probably the most homesick I have been for a long time and certainly most patriotic and sensitive I have been for my homeland for  long time.  Therefore, perhaps these comments can be taken more into context.

In comes Mitt.  His first foreign visit as a potential President.   He goes to the Country that has over the last few decades been the US's biggest ally and has a Conservative Prime Minister who would undoubtedly would be an ally.   What does he do?  Criticize before he even does research.   In two days makes two huge blunders.   You know what the UK ain't perfect by any stretch, but, what does it say when a Potential President does this?   This scares me to death.  I wonder what he might say to the Russian, Chinese, Iranians etc and what foreign policy a may do...   A very rude and insensitive man!!!!  

As an aside comparing the Summer Olympics to the Winter Olympics is like comparing Major League to AAA's in terms of scale and to compare a City as busy and as large as London to Salt Lake City and therefore an exponentially larger scale of problems is asinine.  I quote from David Cameron (who I don't really care for - he may get my vote after this!!)  "He pointed out that the 2012 Olympics were taking place in a busy city rather than “the middle of nowhere” – a remark was widely seen as a reference to the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, which Mr Romney was in charge of organising."

Even if the Olympics end up being a disaster he should keep his nose out and leave the issues to the IOC.  So much for smaller Government Conservative he can't keep out of another Country's Government.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

I have take some time before posting about the horror of the events in Aurora, Colorado this week.   My heart is breaking for those who have suffered so much pain and loss.    My prayers are with them all.

I didn't want to politicize this, because, I think it is insensitive at this time, but,  I just want to make one comment.   I am not an expert on the constitution by any stretch, but, I think there has to be a rethink on the second amendment.  The right to bear arms is one thing, but, multiple weapons including high-powered assault rifles is in my opinion taking it way to far.   I am not one to take stock in what celebrities say in such situations as, well, just because they are famous, does not make them an expert.  However, Jason Alexander wrote a blog post that I am copying from below.   The whole blog can be found here:

He says:

..."This morning, I made a comment about how I do not understand people who support public ownership of assault style weapons like the AR-15 used in the Colorado massacre.

That comment, has of course, inspired a lot of feedback. There have been many tweets of agreement and sympathy but many, many more that have been challenging at the least, hostile and vitriolic at the worst.

Clearly, the angry, threatened and threatening, hostile comments are coming from gun owners and gun advocates. Despite these massacres recurring and despite the 100,000 Americans that die every year due to domestic gun violence - these people see no value to even considering some kind of control as to what kinds of weapons are put in civilian hands. 

Many of them cite patriotism as their reason - true patriots support the Constitution adamantly and wholly. Constitution says citizens have the right to bear arms in order to maintain organized militias. I'm no constitutional scholar so here it is from the document itself:

As passed by the Congress:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

So the patriots are correct, gun ownership is in the constitution - if you're in a well-regulated militia. Let's see what no less a statesman than Alexander Hamilton had to say about a militia:

"A tolerable expertness in military movements is a business that requires time and practice. It is not a day, or even a week, that will suffice for the attainment of it. To oblige the great body of the yeomanry, and of the other classes of the citizens, to be under arms for the purpose of going through military exercises and evolutions, as often as might be necessary to acquire the degree of perfection which would entitle them to the character of a well-regulated militia, would be a real grievance to the people, and a serious public inconvenience and loss."

Or from Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Definition of MILITIA
a : a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency
b : a body of citizens organized for military service
: the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service

The advocates of guns who claim patriotism and the rights of the 2nd Amendment - are they in well-regulated militias? For the vast majority - the answer is no."  

As Jesus said in His teaching:  "Blessed are the Peacemakers" and "Love your enemy:...   Let's proclaim the word of Christ and claim it back in this Country and the World.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

So, in the run up to the General Election in the US Mitt Romney's campaign announced that they had raised over one hundred million dollars in a single month.   How crazy is that?  I haven't seen the numbers for President Obama, but, I would expect it to also be a large sum of money.  Add this to all the money already raised and spent, plus that off the super PAC's leads to an obscene amount of money.

We are in the process of a record deficit, high unemployment and people complaining over the yet to be determined slight increase in health cost.  Think what a difference this money raised could do.  By the end of the Presidential election my guess is will exceed $1million per man, woman and child in this Country.   Everyone has the right to do as they see fit with their money, but, this is excessive.  The question also has to be asked what favours does this lead to, or, at least been promised too.   I propose that a limited budget is set so all candidates can play on a level playing field.   It certainly is not democracy when someone who has a larger financial clout or reach gets a huge advantage.  That is how the Republican primary ended up working out.  The average Joe who wants to take an active role in politics just has no chance.

The other point is that the Presidency is only one third of the branch's of Government and yet takes such a way higher profile.  Ultimately, the President, no matter what he promises and claims cannot do anything if Congress does not approve.  Yes, there is a veto, but, that is a limited power.  I think it's about time we as a country and media focus on the other two branches and give them the higher profile they deserve and at least when it comes to elections pay an equal, if, not greater attention to the Congress elections.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

The health care controversy is back.   I may not be smart enough to understand why it is such a complicated issue.   To me it is simple.  It should transcend politics, it should transcend religion and it should transcend profit.   We are living in the twenty-first century in the richest and most powerful country in the world and the fact that this is still a debate it almost mind boggling.  I'm simple soul.  You get sick you should be entitled to see a doctor and not worry about it.  Some thoughts:

  • The current bill is not perfect by any stretch.   In many ways I wish it would be repealed if it was guaranteed to be written again in a better format.  There are issues that I am against, mainly because of lobbying by insurance companies and pharmaceutical  companies caused concessions and clauses in their favour.   I think it's about time our politicians should be held accountable for what they do for the people not for what they get in incentives and donations.   Let elections be played on a level playing field and not on dollars.  Let decisions be made on what is right, not, on dollars.
  • There have been many arguments that are just short sighted and in my opinion fear mongering.   It's a tax increase.  True approximately a 3.8% increase on investments on people earning over $250,000.   That is on not a salary, but, on additional income only. For the vast majority of people health care is going to be cheaper.   I disagree with having to buy it, that's your choice, but, if you go to the urgent care or emergency room you pay one hundred percent and not let the rest foot the bill.   An overlooked situation in this.   We all currently play for the un-insured anyway so this will reduce everyone's burdens.  Let's face facts Mitt Romney only paid 14% tax last year where the majority of middle class Americans paid a much higher percentage.   It's not sharing the wealth, or socialism, it's fairness.
  • One of the main problems is the insurance companies.   We hear all the time that we don't want the Government making decisions on our health, well, what do the insurance companies do now?  There are countless stories where people who needed care where rejected, or, they got conditions they were rejected or they have a pre-existing condition, yes they were rejected.   I personally think every decision should be down to a doctor and they should be ethical, but, if someone else has to make a decision I'd rather it be someone without a financial stake than a company who's total goal is to make as big a profit as possible.  I have heard many people use the argument  comparing health insurance to life insurance our auto-insurance.   The argument is that it is not a right to drive, but, a privilege therefore it is ok to have mandatory insurance.  My argument is simply this, driving is optional getting sick is not.  I think even talking about the two in same breath is very trite.  One of the reasons for making car insurance mandatory is that serious damage can be caused to someone else.   The same argument could be made for someone who is seriously sick and not going to the doctor infecting others.  Again, the problem is it is insurance NOT health care.   In many ways a complete oxymoron.
  • This is not a "socialist" country, but, a capitalist country.   True.  A capitalist country is one where free private enterprise is allowed to make a profit.   I have no problems with that.   The problem is the fine line between greed and profit.  A hard definition to make.  In my opinion a definition of greed is where someone makes a good profit on the back off a workforce and then decides they need more profit so cut salaries or lay people off.  In the current political debate we so often hear that America does not want to become socialist like Europe.  Well talk about fear mongering or lies.  Europe, especially Western Europe is capitalist i.e. private individuals making profit and free market.  Where Europe differs from the US is it is more of a "Social Market Economy" what this means is that enterprise is free, but, there is Government social support such as unemployment, social security, health care etc..  A good way to say it is capitalism with the Government providing a safety net for it's Citizens.  In the States we are "Government FOR the People BY the People".   Isn't this therefore the governments responsibility?    Socialism is Government control of everything.   The ignorance and fear mongering is staggering.   I guess the US is socialist when it comes to Military, highway, law enforcement, FDA, USEPA etc..etc..  And of, course, the great National institution the NFL, pure socialism in revenue sharing!!
  • One final point that real irritates me, and if I talked about this many times, is the hypocrisy of the Fundamentalist, Right-wing evangelical Christian right.   They are some of the loudest in proclaiming that the Government should not be involved in people lives.  However, they want laws on abortion, marriage, more military spending etc.. etc..   All Jesus cared up about was the poor, the sick, the needy.  Surely as Christians with influence we should be involved in all issues to solve these problems, be it through Government or private charity?  

So, these are a few points.  What about a solution.  I have two ideas. (a)  Either make the insurance companies non-profit so that this will reduce the health costs as well as not having money influence decisions and also allow everyone to have coverage they can afford, not discriminated against because you were unfortunate enough to be born with a health condition or develop one.  (b) Have a flat pay-roll tax that everyone pays no matter what they earn.   This will mean everyone will have an investment in their own health.   Yes, those earning more will be more, but, it will be straight fair flat tax on everyone.   This will mean the vast majority of Americans will be better off.   Another very positive affect will be to take the health care burden from industry.  We are constantly hearing how American labour is too expensive and it is being moved over seas.  Take providing health care from the companies, even make them pay 1% flat tax is going to ease their burden allowing more good paying jobs to be kept in America.   I do believe that everyone has the personal choice to opt out, but, they should take the whole financial burden for doing.   We don't have kids yet I don't have the choice to opt out of my taxes that go to Education, or, I oppose war yet I can't opt out of my taxes going to the ridiculously over the top military spending etc..etc...

I am no where near an expert on this, but, I am passionate about it because I have seen way too many good people get sick, loose their houses, going to work sick just because they couldn't afford the medical bills.  I a not talking about lazy people doing nothing, I am talking about good hard working people some doing multiple jobs.  We need to do something about it NOW!!!

I could go on and on, but, won't but as conclusion some of the lesser known things the current bill covers:
As a final thought some things that the current bill covers can be found here.  Some little things that I think most sane minded people generally agree with:


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Still thinking about the North Carolina Amendment vote I am going to copy a couple of paragraphs from something I wrote back in 2008 followed by some more comments.

"The current interpretation of this amendment from The Supreme Court down is that religion, or religious argument has no place at all in Government, therefore a complete separation of Church and State to use the correct jargon. Using this argument the Gay Marriage issue immediately becomes a non-issue. Why? Marriage is a church, or religious sacrament coming through the Judeo-Christian (including Islam) tradition. Therefore, as such the government should have no right to legislate on marriage.Period. Of any description. That includes issuing marriage certificates, filling taxes as married anything to do with the definition of marriage. If the government wishes to legislate on what legally in the eyes of a law constitutes a legal partnership for rights as a couple or individual that is their prerogative as the democratically elected body of the people. This also means that the government has no right to interfere in a religious bodies interpretation of what is right or wrong within a church, synagogue or mosque. Therefore, if a church says homosexuality is wrong so be it. If a church says smoking crack is a religious freedom so be it. This obviously opens a can of worms to where the line is drawn. Back to my original point. Under this argument I do not have an issue with a Gay Civil Union because, whatever my beliefs based on the Bible, I also do not believe in discrimination of any description, however difficult that may seem and no-one has a right to judge anyone only to try and love. Any argument to the contrary is un-scriptural. 

My personnel opinion, ...................... leaving the option open to a government to interfere in a religious or church is open to abuse and could lead to discrimination. It is not our right as human beings to judge. That is for God, so let people make their own decision as to how they want to live their life (as long as it does not cause a threat to other living creatures). That's why I am one hundred percent against any form of discrimination. Having said that, as a Christian, I still believe what is right and wrong as taught by the Bible so I may think that something is wrong, but, will try with all my might to love the people and not discriminate. This also means that a Church should not be persecuted for following their doctrines."

To some up the Christianity of the Bible teaches love, not, hate.  Jesus spent time with the prostitute and the tax collector.  He spoke out against the Pharisees (the indignant morale right) and called them vipers.   If we are going to judge one lifestyle, or, sin what about the rest?  If you are, or, have been sexually "pure" in all aspects of thought and deed then have at it.   If not then do not judge those you do not know.   At the end, in my belief Jesus will come back and judge as only He can.   I hope He can look at me and say you sinned, you screwed up yet I died for You and forgave you, but,what you did do was love the poor, the sick, the sinners etc..etc.. and did not judge and tried to love them as I love everyone of them.    It is not a difficult concept.  Jesus' teaching, no matter who you believe He was , is clear and can be expressed in one short, overly used and totally misrepresented in the modern world:  LOVE.   The one word that He did not use: HATE.  As I wrote in my last post read Matthew 7:1-5.

The thing that also has been overlooked in the gay aspect of this amendment is it is against any common-law relationship.   Again, the State has no right to define marriage it's responsibility is to take care of its Citizens.   Wouldn't be wonderful if all this energy, money and passion actually went to good for all such as...shock, horror, ....making sure everyone could go to the doctors for example.   

I wish I was talented enough to express it so much better, but, this is why I am against the North Carolina amendment any other such law.  


Since when does the Gospel of Christ teach hate, judgement and intolerance rather than love, compassion and forgiveness?

Matthew 7:1-5

- Richard

Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Love

Just looking into Your beauty,
Sitting in Your presence,
Enjoying Your peace and love
Is just no more than I desire.

I fail You so many times.
Yet! You keep on forgiving,
Keep giving me one last chance,
Covering me in Your love.

Words can’t express how I feel.
I just try to do my best
To worship, praise and adore You
In all that I do.

Lord Jesus thank you
I want to see more of Your love
To spend more time with Yoi,
I love You, oh, my God.

August 1989, Camp Tecumseh, NJ, USA


Why Christmas?

The Son of God gas come,
The shouts from Heaven cried
A life ahead to tell
Of His Fathers love and Kingdom to come.

A little baby born of flesh,
Born so humble in a barn
As He grew into a man
He lived for the poor, the lonely and the hurt.

Through His life He suffered
As God’s works He carried out
In the ultimate sacrifice
He gave His life for the world.

Today, are we any better off?
Christmas and Easter we celebrate
The true reason forgotten
As hurting, loneliness and suffering still go on.

August, 1989, Camp Tecumseh, NJ, USA.



I can hear the hammer
Striking the nails again and again
Smashing the bone of his hands,
Tearing the flesh of his feet
The pain searing with each blow.
The blow which time and time you give.

Yes, those feet you once kissed.
You held those hands close
Accepting his love you took
That torn body from the cross,
Cleansed your life
And gave your all to the Christ.

The crunch came, a choice to be made
Between Him and the world
Romance came along and you fell
Sliding away from your Lord
Every step you made
Putting Him back on that cross.

May 1989, Bradford, England.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dedicated to Satan

The Friday Jesus hung from the cross,
His dead body
Destined for the grave,
You and your devils celebrating
A victory you’d only dreamed of
You’d crushed God’s Son.
You’d defeated the Almighty God.

On the Sunday your party was crashed.
God’s power still reigned,
The grave was empty.
Jesus had conquered death,
He’s conquered Hell,
He’d conquered you.
He was still alive!!

Yet, even now you keep fighting
Attacking God’s children
Trying desperately to
Cause them to fail and turn to you.
Every trick, every ploy
You use, to no avail
As we move into victory.

Soon we will be rid of you,
Our Lord coming back
Finally condemning you to Hell
Ridding the earth of your evil.
Jesus will rule over the earth again.
Victory His,
You doomed for ever.

May 1989, Bradford, England.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Open Letter to the Republican Candidates.

Mitt, Rick and Newt please help me I'm confused.   I hear you talk about the sanctity of life and yet you proclaim death via war or sentence.   You say no abortions, yet, you won't help the hurting child or mother to be.   They have no health care, or cannot afford it.   They're left alone and then YOU condemn them?  The land of the free ain't so free if you are on the wrong side of the tracks.

Gentlemen, I believe in life.  I do believe there are exceptions as nothing is black and white.  I also believe that you have to get to the root cause and help, provide the care, the support the options for a the hurting mother and future child to survive.  Without doing this you are as guilty as those you claim to be in the wrong, or as you say, murderers.  You don't believe in contraception and are then unwilling to take the consequences.  You send men to war and prisoners to death.  You order murder.   I'm confused who gives you the right to judge and take a life you so adamantly preach that you protect.  I'm rambling because I don't get it.  I'm not as smart or as educated or have your wealth so that must be it.  I am just to plain dumb to understand hypocrisy.

You claim to be, that really throws me over the edge....  I must be following the wrong Christ who says love not hate or not to judge and the Christ that loved the Prostitute?   Ok.  Everything I believe in must be wrong if you're right. No wonder I'm confused.


Saturday, February 11, 2012


Alone in one’s own thought
The world seems to pass you by,
Paying no attention to you,
Ignoring you, leaving you.

People rush by,
Seemingly preoccupied,
Seemingly happy
But they’re all feeling
A false security
Created by crowds
By work, by life
If only they, knew.

Yet You Yourself knew true loneliness,
What it was like,
Rejected, hurt, mocked
Disowned by Your close friends.

You hung their all alone,
Your pain and suffering
Not for yourself.
You had no need.
It was love for the world,
You wanted to become our friend
Yet we still walk alone
Oh why? Oh why?

Man needs never to be alone again,
Loneliness replaced by joy,
The world’s false hope
Replaced by you!!

Easter 1989, St. Nazaire, France.


Bye, Bye

Three minutes to go.
It looks like man has
Done, what for years
He’s been trying to do.

The gem of God’s Creation
Faultless, full of beauty
Given to man to preserve,
But, goodness fell to darkness,
Satan’s deception proved to much,
The apple was taken
Man from God, God from man,
Man against man, man against God.

Earth’s history flashes by.
Wars upon wars,
Death upon death.
Babylon, Rome, Hitler
Where did it lead them?
Only to destruction and ruin.
This road need never,
Nor, should have been taken.

A chance was given
Through God’s Son Jesus,
But God, just like before
Was left discarded along the way.
For those who listened
Suffering soon will stop
Eternity in Heaven,
Peace reigning forever.

For those who laughed
It’s now too late.
The bombs are approaching.
There’s only three minutes left.


Easter 1989, St. Nazaire, France.


Silver and Gold

Silver and gold
The signs of power,
In times gone by.
Now the atom rules,
Numbers of bombs.
Love between men,
Non-existent, Oh!
Why have we forsaken
Our roots, our origins,
Our Creator?
Oh! Jesus move,
Send your peace,
Destroy the bombs,
Destroy the evil that rule.
Love come back.

Easter 1989, St, Nazaire, France



In a drunken disco hall
A boy sees a girl
Holds her hand, takes her home
Into bed, spending the night.
Is this love?
March 1989, Bradford, England
