Sunday, February 8, 2015

End of the Tunnel?

I sit surrounded by darkness
Everywhere I look.
I try to see the way out
I try to see the light.
The end of the tunnel is there.
I know, I just can’t see.
Yes, I see a glimpse
It’s getting nearer and nearer
I seem to be approaching
Not by my own strength
As if…. I’m being carried.
I look down and see
Friends, family, those I love
And those who care
Carrying me, taking the weight
All the time I thought I was alone
I only I’d looked earlier
I’d have seen the light at the end
And those willing to help.

16th May 1996, North Acton, London, England.
Top of the World

Sitting on top of the world
Or so it feels
Looking down on valleys and trees
And houses e’er so small
People like ants
Milling around.
The only noise a rustling breeze
Or distant drone of aeroplanes.
I feel how God must feel
Looking down on His world
Thinking what beauty surrounds
Until a derelict mill
And a man-made quarry
Juts into sight:
The proverbial “blot on the landscape!”

I could sit here all day
Away from the city and smog
Until in the distance
I spy the expanse
Of Manchester smoking away.
Oh well! I can only dream
About sitting on top of the world!!


5th May 1996, Macclesfield, England.
Summer Nights

Long summer nights
Clear blue skies
Stars twinkling.
No cars
No pollution
No bustle
Just birds singing
And hearts beating.

4th May 1996, Sutton, Macclesfield, England.
The Telephone

Dialing the number I know so well
Hearing the voice I love to hear.
What more could I ask?
Our love declared through cables
Holding an impersonal machine
I hate the bloody telephone!
I want to see her face,
Hold her hands
Feel her lips.
How can I express how I really feel
To an inanimate object?
Is it all we've got to bridge the miles?
We've got our love
We've got our prayers to cover us
But, I still need to tell her:
“I love you”.
So like it or not
I need that bloody telephone!

1st May 1996, Uxbridge, England.