- The current bill is not perfect by any stretch. In many ways I wish it would be repealed if it was guaranteed to be written again in a better format. There are issues that I am against, mainly because of lobbying by insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies caused concessions and clauses in their favour. I think it's about time our politicians should be held accountable for what they do for the people not for what they get in incentives and donations. Let elections be played on a level playing field and not on dollars. Let decisions be made on what is right, not, on dollars.
- There have been many arguments that are just short sighted and in my opinion fear mongering. It's a tax increase. True approximately a 3.8% increase on investments on people earning over $250,000. That is on not a salary, but, on additional income only. For the vast majority of people health care is going to be cheaper. I disagree with having to buy it, that's your choice, but, if you go to the urgent care or emergency room you pay one hundred percent and not let the rest foot the bill. An overlooked situation in this. We all currently play for the un-insured anyway so this will reduce everyone's burdens. Let's face facts Mitt Romney only paid 14% tax last year where the majority of middle class Americans paid a much higher percentage. It's not sharing the wealth, or socialism, it's fairness.
- One of the main problems is the insurance companies. We hear all the time that we don't want the Government making decisions on our health, well, what do the insurance companies do now? There are countless stories where people who needed care where rejected, or, they got conditions they were rejected or they have a pre-existing condition, yes they were rejected. I personally think every decision should be down to a doctor and they should be ethical, but, if someone else has to make a decision I'd rather it be someone without a financial stake than a company who's total goal is to make as big a profit as possible. I have heard many people use the argument comparing health insurance to life insurance our auto-insurance. The argument is that it is not a right to drive, but, a privilege therefore it is ok to have mandatory insurance. My argument is simply this, driving is optional getting sick is not. I think even talking about the two in same breath is very trite. One of the reasons for making car insurance mandatory is that serious damage can be caused to someone else. The same argument could be made for someone who is seriously sick and not going to the doctor infecting others. Again, the problem is it is insurance NOT health care. In many ways a complete oxymoron.
- This is not a "socialist" country, but, a capitalist country. True. A capitalist country is one where free private enterprise is allowed to make a profit. I have no problems with that. The problem is the fine line between greed and profit. A hard definition to make. In my opinion a definition of greed is where someone makes a good profit on the back off a workforce and then decides they need more profit so cut salaries or lay people off. In the current political debate we so often hear that America does not want to become socialist like Europe. Well talk about fear mongering or lies. Europe, especially Western Europe is capitalist i.e. private individuals making profit and free market. Where Europe differs from the US is it is more of a "Social Market Economy" what this means is that enterprise is free, but, there is Government social support such as unemployment, social security, health care etc.. A good way to say it is capitalism with the Government providing a safety net for it's Citizens. In the States we are "Government FOR the People BY the People". Isn't this therefore the governments responsibility? Socialism is Government control of everything. The ignorance and fear mongering is staggering. I guess the US is socialist when it comes to Military, highway, law enforcement, FDA, USEPA etc..etc.. And of, course, the great National institution the NFL, pure socialism in revenue sharing!!
- One final point that real irritates me, and if I talked about this many times, is the hypocrisy of the Fundamentalist, Right-wing evangelical Christian right. They are some of the loudest in proclaiming that the Government should not be involved in people lives. However, they want laws on abortion, marriage, more military spending etc.. etc.. All Jesus cared up about was the poor, the sick, the needy. Surely as Christians with influence we should be involved in all issues to solve these problems, be it through Government or private charity?
So, these are a few points. What about a solution. I have two ideas. (a) Either make the insurance companies non-profit so that this will reduce the health costs as well as not having money influence decisions and also allow everyone to have coverage they can afford, not discriminated against because you were unfortunate enough to be born with a health condition or develop one. (b) Have a flat pay-roll tax that everyone pays no matter what they earn. This will mean everyone will have an investment in their own health. Yes, those earning more will be more, but, it will be straight fair flat tax on everyone. This will mean the vast majority of Americans will be better off. Another very positive affect will be to take the health care burden from industry. We are constantly hearing how American labour is too expensive and it is being moved over seas. Take providing health care from the companies, even make them pay 1% flat tax is going to ease their burden allowing more good paying jobs to be kept in America. I do believe that everyone has the personal choice to opt out, but, they should take the whole financial burden for doing. We don't have kids yet I don't have the choice to opt out of my taxes that go to Education, or, I oppose war yet I can't opt out of my taxes going to the ridiculously over the top military spending etc..etc...
I am no where near an expert on this, but, I am passionate about it because I have seen way too many good people get sick, loose their houses, going to work sick just because they couldn't afford the medical bills. I a not talking about lazy people doing nothing, I am talking about good hard working people some doing multiple jobs. We need to do something about it NOW!!!
I could go on and on, but, won't but as conclusion some of the lesser known things the current bill covers:
As a final thought some things that the current bill covers can be found here. Some little things that I think most sane minded people generally agree with: http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/26/health/health-reform-fun-facts/index.html
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