More on hypocrisy....I guess I'm on a roll tonight.
I have posted before on this. The subject of Marriage and what should and should not be legal. The more I have thought about this and talked it through with Jenn I have a greater clarity on my thoughts.
My bottom line is that the Government has zero place in "marriage". A marriage is something that a Church has the right to ordain. If the Government has to be involved, which I think for taxes, and to allow the rights of people to be fairly accounted for it probably does there should be another legal term. Civil Union, sounds hokey, but, it is the best I can do.
All the arguments we hear political are totally based on hypocrisy. A marriage is between one man and one woman and that is all that should be legal, because that is how God created it. Ok. A Church can say that. the Government not (separation of Church and State for one.)
Now, looking into the issue deeper. Those that espouse this "legal marriage, as I will describe it because that is how it is today claim that, as I said, the only marriage should be between a man and woman. Ok. But, and there is a very big but, you are going to use a legalized Scripture approach as your definition of a marriage the chances are there would be very few, if any marriages that would meet such high standards. Why? No sex before marriage, no lustful thoughts, no divorce (except abuse), no adultery, no sexual impurities, one sexual partner. In the Old Testament many of these could lead to being cast out of society or even stoned to death. If this was the criteria for marriage this would be mute point, because like I said so few, if any would qualify. An even crazier situation is those who are Atheists or Satanists can get married and everyone is happy with that as long as they are the same sex. Get the point? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.
Now, some would say we are no longer doing this because we were "living in Sin" and because we got married we now aren't, or have repented. All good. Now, come to the New Testament and Jesus teaching. He came to move a way from the legalistic establishment or a Jewish Country to teach on Love, forgiveness and peace, just to name three. So, great you have repented of your sins (although going from a non-married sexual relationship to a married one seems to be a very weak justification) what about Christs love for everyone? He loved the major sinners in His day, in fact spent his time with them not the religions elite. Above all, what about the commandment not to judge unless you have no sin yourself? Heck, I wish I was perfect and truly sanctified, but, alas I am not. Also, who has the right to be God and say really what He wants? It is simple really. Love everyone, be peaceful, gentle, kind, patient displaying all the fruits of Christlike life. Only God Himself has the right to judge and condemn. This has got so lost in the modern day Church. It makes me angry.
I am not a theologian and may be Utopian, but, the hateful rhetoric of so many right-wing, Conservative Christians does not represent me or the teaching of Christ. They have the right to their opinions and I try very hard every day not to judge and to love them, but, that is tough because of the misrepresentation of Jesus' life and as I have already stated make me very, very angry. The best analogy I can come up with is what would you do if someone denigrates the person you love most in the World. Yup, very, very angry.
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