Friday, October 11, 2013

Why, oh God, Why?

In the countryside
Away from the city
A new life he found.
A step unknown
Where it would lead him,
Where he would go
Or end up.
The small, a raucous odour
Cows, sheep and hens
Made his nose turn
And his stomach wrench.
Why? was the question
He so often asked himself
Being a man to whom animals
Bore no delights, or, if anything
Fear!  “I could have had a nice job
Nine to five in the office”
A simple carefree life.
Oh, God, why?

In the city
Away from the countryside,
Away from the peace, the quiet
Into the bustle
People everywhere,
Noise, pollution cars.
No one can stop,
No time for anyone else
Surrounded, yet lonely.
Does anyone care?
Why here?
Where’s the peace,
The calm, the quiet?
“How I’d love to be in the country
Surrounded this time by nature.”
Why here, oh God, why?

26th October 1991, Leeds, England.


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