Thursday, August 7, 2014

An Open Letter to my Congressman, Rep Kevin Brady in response to a card he sent in the mail about The House Leadership going to file a lawsuit against the President.

Dear Congressman,

I received your new report postcard, dated July 31st in the mail today.

I read it with disbelief.  (For full disclosure I am a true Independent and have never voted on party lines only on issues.)

My problem with what you wrote is we have a Congress and Senate that are more concerned with party politics, what lobbyists, Super-Pacs, donors want etc.   We are in sore need of leadership and legislation to help the average working man or woman.  Did the President do the right thing is definitely open to interpretation, but, wasting time and our money on this rather than fixing what really matters is an absolutely ridiculous. As you correctly stated the President does not make the laws, but, if the legislative branch doesn't, can't or won't surely he has some responsibility to the people?

As far as the Affordable Care Act is concerned I don't think it is good legislation, but, it's a start.  The Health Care system needs to be fixed desperately.   It is a disgrace that in the 21st Century, in the World's Largest Super Power millions of people cannot afford to go see a doctor.   I implore you to put aside party politics and re-focus on what the founding fathers wanted Government to be:  "For the People, by, the People".   Unless I am mistaken if does not say "for the lobbyists" or "for the largest donors" or for "any particular special interest group" etc.. etc..

I look forward to hearing about a new Congress that is focused on what they are supposed to and that my Congressman is leading the charge.   If I hear this you will absolutely get my vote.

With Respect,

Richard Coull

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