Sunday, September 9, 2018

I’ve been thinking about Communion over the last week or so.   What does it mean and why?

I read a book written about the Pastor and Priest who served the prisoners at the Nuremberg trials.   It is almost inconceivable to me how knowing what these leaders of the Nazis has done they could talk and build relationships.  Yet they did.  They put away their personal horror to try and share the gospel and what the Eucharist table was all about.  I don’t think I could do it, or even come close.   

The second thought was from Church today.  When we go to the table we are all equal as far as Christ is concerened.  It is the true eqalitarian place.   It does not matter who you are, what race, sex, social status coming to Christ at that point it does not matter.  Unfortunately in our broken world the moment we leave the table this equality goes away and we are back into our boxes.  How it must grieve Christ.  A challenge to me and all to take this away into the world and not leave it at the alter.

As I am sitting here pondering this imagine what would happen if this was discussed in politics, especially modern American pages politics.  One would immeditely called disparaging names: “Libtard”, “ socialist”, “communist” etc..mainly by those that like to preach Christianity.    Yet, this is what Christ wants and teaches not the hedonistic, selfish greedy version of Modern America.   Going back to my book of Nuremberg this is how at all started faux Nationilism and hate of those that were different.   We all know how that went!



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