Saturday, June 22, 2024

Clear Blue Sky


Looking down from a clear blue sky

Is this how angels view

The earth below?

How many changes they must have seen

From the paradise of Eden

To the waste of World War II


I wonder what they think

Of what I now see:

The skyline of Manhattan

Trying to reach their home,

The docks of New Jersey

Monstrous human creations

Or the splendour of Giants Stadium

A new church for so many?


I am sure they think

“What has man done

To the beautiful paradise

They once saw below.”

The human creations failing in so many ways

To reflect that of The Creator they adore.

Looking down from a clear blue sky

I am in awe of the vastness below

Created by humans, so imperfect

Created by God, so perfect.

I wonder what God Himself

Thinks of man’s works below?


14th June 2008, Newark, New Jersey, United States of America

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