Saturday, June 1, 2024

What Would I Feel? III – Good Friday


What would I feel

If I’d been with Him that fateful day?

Would I run and hide?

Would I, like Peter denied

The one whom I’d followed all these years?

Would I be at the foot of the cross

With Mary His mother?

Would I have joined in the joke

“If you’re the King of the Jews get us down from here”?


What would I feel

When through the agony and suffering

He cried “Father forgive them”?

Or when He shouted

“It is finished”.

Would I be amazed like the centurion

And say “Surely this is the Son of God”

Or would I slink away

Scared, frightened, confused with dreams broken?

Would I understand the event the happened

And that would continue to play out?

6th April 2007, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States of America

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