Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dedicated to Satan

The Friday Jesus hung from the cross,
His dead body
Destined for the grave,
You and your devils celebrating
A victory you’d only dreamed of
You’d crushed God’s Son.
You’d defeated the Almighty God.

On the Sunday your party was crashed.
God’s power still reigned,
The grave was empty.
Jesus had conquered death,
He’s conquered Hell,
He’d conquered you.
He was still alive!!

Yet, even now you keep fighting
Attacking God’s children
Trying desperately to
Cause them to fail and turn to you.
Every trick, every ploy
You use, to no avail
As we move into victory.

Soon we will be rid of you,
Our Lord coming back
Finally condemning you to Hell
Ridding the earth of your evil.
Jesus will rule over the earth again.
Victory His,
You doomed for ever.

May 1989, Bradford, England.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Open Letter to the Republican Candidates.

Mitt, Rick and Newt please help me I'm confused.   I hear you talk about the sanctity of life and yet you proclaim death via war or sentence.   You say no abortions, yet, you won't help the hurting child or mother to be.   They have no health care, or cannot afford it.   They're left alone and then YOU condemn them?  The land of the free ain't so free if you are on the wrong side of the tracks.

Gentlemen, I believe in life.  I do believe there are exceptions as nothing is black and white.  I also believe that you have to get to the root cause and help, provide the care, the support the options for a the hurting mother and future child to survive.  Without doing this you are as guilty as those you claim to be in the wrong, or as you say, murderers.  You don't believe in contraception and are then unwilling to take the consequences.  You send men to war and prisoners to death.  You order murder.   I'm confused who gives you the right to judge and take a life you so adamantly preach that you protect.  I'm rambling because I don't get it.  I'm not as smart or as educated or have your wealth so that must be it.  I am just to plain dumb to understand hypocrisy.

You claim to be, that really throws me over the edge....  I must be following the wrong Christ who says love not hate or not to judge and the Christ that loved the Prostitute?   Ok.  Everything I believe in must be wrong if you're right. No wonder I'm confused.


Saturday, February 11, 2012


Alone in one’s own thought
The world seems to pass you by,
Paying no attention to you,
Ignoring you, leaving you.

People rush by,
Seemingly preoccupied,
Seemingly happy
But they’re all feeling
A false security
Created by crowds
By work, by life
If only they, knew.

Yet You Yourself knew true loneliness,
What it was like,
Rejected, hurt, mocked
Disowned by Your close friends.

You hung their all alone,
Your pain and suffering
Not for yourself.
You had no need.
It was love for the world,
You wanted to become our friend
Yet we still walk alone
Oh why? Oh why?

Man needs never to be alone again,
Loneliness replaced by joy,
The world’s false hope
Replaced by you!!

Easter 1989, St. Nazaire, France.


Bye, Bye

Three minutes to go.
It looks like man has
Done, what for years
He’s been trying to do.

The gem of God’s Creation
Faultless, full of beauty
Given to man to preserve,
But, goodness fell to darkness,
Satan’s deception proved to much,
The apple was taken
Man from God, God from man,
Man against man, man against God.

Earth’s history flashes by.
Wars upon wars,
Death upon death.
Babylon, Rome, Hitler
Where did it lead them?
Only to destruction and ruin.
This road need never,
Nor, should have been taken.

A chance was given
Through God’s Son Jesus,
But God, just like before
Was left discarded along the way.
For those who listened
Suffering soon will stop
Eternity in Heaven,
Peace reigning forever.

For those who laughed
It’s now too late.
The bombs are approaching.
There’s only three minutes left.


Easter 1989, St. Nazaire, France.


Silver and Gold

Silver and gold
The signs of power,
In times gone by.
Now the atom rules,
Numbers of bombs.
Love between men,
Non-existent, Oh!
Why have we forsaken
Our roots, our origins,
Our Creator?
Oh! Jesus move,
Send your peace,
Destroy the bombs,
Destroy the evil that rule.
Love come back.

Easter 1989, St, Nazaire, France



In a drunken disco hall
A boy sees a girl
Holds her hand, takes her home
Into bed, spending the night.
Is this love?
March 1989, Bradford, England


A Poem to St. Valentine (and?)

You are the light
Which lights up the gloomiest day,
The glow of your smile,
The sparkling of your eyes
Sends joy to my inward soul.
Your voice is sweet music,
Which plays on my heart
And creeps down my spine.
The dreams of you are so sweet,
Your beautiful face,
That sweet voice,
And glowing smile
My love I’ll give all to you,
But my nature does not allow
To tell how I fell
Oh …… I love you so.
Be not just my Valentine,
But, us forever two together.

9th February 1998, Bradford, England.


John 3:16

The strain of music on my soul
Weeping, mourning for the loss,
Screeching, screaming day by day
Like a poor dissonant tune
Forlorn in love
Depressed with life
Feelings as volatile as T.N.T.
Turned to the pleasures life could offer.
Life fell apart,
Destitute, poor, fallen.
Evil ruled my life,
I was his slave
Bound by his soul encasing chains.
Suddenly, the bonds were broken,
The lock was opened,
As the light appeared to me.
Jesus saved me, evil banished,
Satan once again defeated,
Life again defeated,
Life again made sense
Shunned in earthly love,
But, loved by the greatest love,
The love that gave His Son,
The love that gives Eternal Life.
Lord Jesus I love You…..

January 1988,   Bradford, England.

I've decided it's about time that I wrote my poems up into an electronic document.   As I do it will post them on here.   Why I started to try and write is still a mystery in a many ways.  I didn't really read, and certainly not poetry unless it was to do with sports.   I mean as a Chemist why should I have?   Or, at least that's what I thought at the time.   I do know that it was an Organic Chemistry lecture where I was bored, but, listening to the Professor, Goodman, wax lyrically on Natural Product Synthesis that I first got the idea.  So, here they go.  I don't claim to be good, or even close to it, but, it is a way that to express thoughts over the years.   So back to January 1988, the Organic Chemistry department of the University of Bradford we go.

The Day of Victory is Coming

The dark, black thunderous clouds
Gathered like demons waiting to pounce on an unwitting soul.
In this darkness a light tries to glow,
Extinguished by man’s own satanic dreams,
Hell’s terror remains the reward,
Under the rule of the fallen Lucifer.
His grin is hideous, his devils celebrate,
As soul after soul falls to his clawing hand,
Hearts ripped out, souls captured,
Living in eternal devastation.
Up in Heaven The Creator mourns
The loss of soul upon soul
His Son sacrificed once,
The enemy defeated in battle before
Comes down to earth in great Glory.
Darkness blown away
Life in eternal happiness.
The Devil?
Cast away, bound in chains, with him go
All those who worship him,
And evil is forever banished,
Never to sway life from their loving Creator
God and Son and Holy Spirit living in one happy Trinity
Worshiped, loved and glorified
Life at last is as planned
Happy, loving and perfectly pure.

January, 1988 - Bradford, England.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

On CNN last week when Piers Morgan was interviewing Rick Santorum a comments was made.  Santorum said, in relation to his religion, that he Worships on Sunday and practices his religion the rest of the week.  Surely it should be the opposite way around?  Romans 12 states that we should "be living sacrifices", or , paraphrasing, every day should lived as a constant act of worship.  A very challenging, and in some ways impossible concept. Therefore we practice our "religion" whilst going to Church on Sundays and live our lives and everything we do as our Worship.  I guess this explains so many un-Christlike attitudes and comments we see and hear.

Two Brothers

Two brothers
On a different course
One in the Old World
The other starting an adventure,
With a rapidly approaching
Landmark ahead.

The Statue of Liberty
Torch held high,
Warm and welcoming,
To those with hopes and dreams
For a new life shining,
Just like that torch
Raised to the sky.

Back in the Old World
Life continued as before,
In a monotonous
Regularity struggling
To earn a living, but,
Secure in tradition and

Across the ocean,
The optimism was waning
As work was hard to gain.
No food to eat
Or, a place to sleep
Pan handling waiting
And praying.

The brother back home,
No change
Working hard,
The economy bad,
Hanging in there.

The dream is close,
As a good job is found
Wall Streets promise
Now seems real
Working hard,
Security is close
To a new home of his own.

Sickness hits.
Both sides of the World.
One brother is in on a list,
The other is rejected,
Insurance declined.
Cost out of control
Job gone
Dream shattered.

A couple of months later
In the shadow
Of a gleaming hospital
It is too late
As life ebbs away.
The other in an old ward,
Gains strength and health,
Soon back to work
Living in The old World.

He mourns his kin
Who left him for good.
The choice for gold
Taking all away
As bank accounts grew
He withered away.

Jan 29th 2012, The Woodlands, TX
