Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dedicated to Satan

The Friday Jesus hung from the cross,
His dead body
Destined for the grave,
You and your devils celebrating
A victory you’d only dreamed of
You’d crushed God’s Son.
You’d defeated the Almighty God.

On the Sunday your party was crashed.
God’s power still reigned,
The grave was empty.
Jesus had conquered death,
He’s conquered Hell,
He’d conquered you.
He was still alive!!

Yet, even now you keep fighting
Attacking God’s children
Trying desperately to
Cause them to fail and turn to you.
Every trick, every ploy
You use, to no avail
As we move into victory.

Soon we will be rid of you,
Our Lord coming back
Finally condemning you to Hell
Ridding the earth of your evil.
Jesus will rule over the earth again.
Victory His,
You doomed for ever.

May 1989, Bradford, England.


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